1. Code Repository setup at Google Code 2. Recently I tried out Colin Harris's Ruby TUIO client from , it took me a little longer time (more than expected) to figure out if its working since I was using Adobe Air based SimTouch.air and socketserver executable to do my tests- which didnt work with our Ruby Client. Though later it responded perfectly with ReactiVision TUIO Simulator 1.4 . I could print the TUIO messages :-) 3. Yet to figure out how we're going to implement the Ruby Client within GoogleSU's interface, I am doing my experiments around Google SU right now. Since I am a bit n00bish with the Ruby API's application with networking, for now not very sure how it'll be loaded INTO the GoogleSketchUp , though i've to try :-) 4. For now I am wondering if we should really go on and apply multitouch to drawing in Google SketchUp , since Sketchup alredy allows to draw using Single Touch. Ofcourse the Multitouch gestures can be technically implemented here,...