Post midterm tasks 1. We were working on mouse_event Function ( us/library/ms646260(VS.85). aspx ) for the possible events that MultitouchSU DLL can inject into the SketchUp windows simply by specifying {LBUTTON UP|DOWN} {MBUTTON UP|DOWN}{RBUTTON UP|DOWN}{MOUSEMOVE x,y}. This indeed is pretty raw, but I thought good enough for the first version. We could have got more sophisticated later with something like "Click(Left|Middle|Right count)" and "MouseMove( 0|Left|Middle|Right, x, y, rate)" etc. This is an example how it'll be done, ( eventrelay/source/browse/ trunk/devel/MSWrunmacro.cpp?r= 113 ) at Function (void MSW_ProcessMacro::InjectNamedMouseMacro(string& namedMacroStr)) . A MOVEMOUSETO(x,y) function will have to be added. For now according to discussion with the mentor, we'll not go with this strategy. Another method that is using the require in the DLL loader script to invoke a gesture reco...