
Multiple ideas I was thinking about that could be used to improve people's lives- make new experiences happen, and tap into the unknown

-- Sound Glasses.

The user wears the glass and looks at a painting. A large painting. And the system gives audio feedback on the parts highlighted based on an audio command 'Tell me more'.

Technology: Pre-calibrated system.


Or multiple paintings and it starts speaking about what you're looking at.

Audio annotations.

Leave specific audio snippets at places.

' User looks at certain objects 'drops' audio snippets' Later. Someone else could visit and listen to them.

e.g. 'please clean this wall' 'this is Fluid interfaces demo area, find a student to help you out'

'This is where Media Lab started its first group'

Audio post-its

Inkharvester- presented as a hack(goes to indie inventors)- discussed with Harshit.

phase one-> collect soot

phase two-> mixing chemicals

phase three-> interface with cartridge through syringe

Story- Fire is ubiquitous and Pollution is a byproduct. Its a sign of Unburnt carbon is the basis of inking impression. We take an Altoids box and fit an heat sink fan on top to collect carbon black from soot.

When enough soot is collected inside the box, its then supplied to the printer via a capillary that goes from the box to the original printer cartridge via a pump. The soot is mixed with ethanol inside the box, to make it permanent. alcohol spray before pumping.

Phase 2-> The ink from the box goes to  Printer shield

krylon workable fixatiff post processing.


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