Done ! the FTIR acrylic frame

After much haggling and bargaining we got our 6 mm thick plexi-glass sheet, after manual polishing and shining the task at hand was to fit in the LED's inside so as to facilitate the FTIR
( Frustrated Total Internal Reflection) , this principle behind the project.

Since Sudhanshu and Rahul were most affluent in Electronics and Architecture, we moved to R.S. Electronics, owned by Rahul's father "Mr. ... " so as to get our LED's fixed in the acrylic frame. After putting in 15 hours we could get the IR LEDs fixed into the wooden frame. Here are some images of Infrared glowing acrylic frame from a night-vision camera.

Along that, I modified the Microsoft Lifecam VX1000 ( removing the Infrared Filter, putting up a IR bandpass filter).
That's how it looked before and after

Coming up's how we obtained our neat and sweet blobs :-)


  1. hello, may I know where did you get the bandpass filter for vx-1000? I've been searching high and low for it but couldn't find any. Please email me

    Thanks in advance.:)

  2. for the Bandpass you need to use a Overexposed undeveloped photography film. That's the workaround that we used and worked perfectly for us.


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